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Daily Chumash Summaries
Pinchas, 6th Aliya

Pinchas, 6th Aliya

Passover. Shavuos. Rosh Hashana. Yom Kippur.

Audio Summaries of the daily Chumash portions In loving memory of Ousher Zelig ben Myer HaLevi Z”L

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Passover. Shavuos. Rosh Hashana. Yom Kippur.

Today’s Chumash provides instructions for when certain key holidays are to take place as well as which offerings to bring on each day.

A few recurring things which come up for all of them:

  • The special holiday offerings must be brought in addition to the regular daily communal offerings.

  • For the meal offerings which are brought with each animal, it follows the following pattern:

    • For each bull 3/10 of an ephah of flour mixed with oil is to be brought. The bull corresponds to Avraham, about whom it is written “then Avraham ran to the cattle” (see Breishis 18:7)

    • For each ram, 2/10 of an ephah of flour mixed with oil is to be brought. The ram corresponds to Yitzchak, for whom a ram was sacrificed instead of him. (see Breishis 22:13)

    • For each lamb, 1/10 of an ephah of flour mixed with oil is to be brought. The lamb corresponds to Yaakove about whom it is written “Yaakov segregated the lambs” (see Breishis 30:40).

  • All of the libations which are to be brought with the sacrifices are also to be unblemished (like the animals), meaning that if they have a flour-like scum on their surface they are disqualified.

  • In addition to the Olah offering of each festival, they are also to offer 1 he-goat as a sin offering for atonement.


The 14th day of the first month (i.e. Nissan) they are to offer the Paschal offering. And then the following day (the 15th) should be a holiday and for the next seven days they are to eat matzos.

The first and seventh days should be a holy gathering not do any work even things that are neceessary like things that will inclur financial loss (which is not the case on the intermediate 5 days of chol hameoed)

On each day of this seven day holiday, they should offer an Olah offering consisting of: 2 bulls, 1 ram, 7 unblemished rams who are less than one year old together with their accessory meal offerings (see above) and libations).

Offering the same offering each day is unlike Sukkos where the amount of animals offered decreases from day to day.


Shavuos is the holiday of the first fruits as its meal offering is made up of two breads brought from the first fruits of the wheat harvest.

This is a holiday on which they are not to do any work.

The Olah offering to be brought on this day consists of 2 young bulls, 1 ram and 7 male lambs in their first year together with their accessory meal offerings (see above) and libations).

Rosh Hashana

This holiday is to take place on the first day of the seventh month (i.e. Tishrei). It should be a holiday with no work being done and the shofar is to be blown.

The Olah offering of this day is to consist of:

1 young bull, 1 ram, 7 unblemished male lambs in their first year together with their accessory meal offerings (see above) and libations).

In addition to the regular daily communal offering and this special holiday offering, the monthly new moon offering should be brought as well.

Yom Kippur

This holiday is to take place on the 10th day of the seventh month (i.e. Tishrei). It is to be a holiday in which they afflict themselves.

The Olah offering for this day consists of: 1 young bull, 1 ram, 7 male lambs together with their accessory meal offerings (see above) and libations).

Sarede’s Substack
Daily Chumash Summaries
Audio Summaries of the daily Chumash portions In loving memory of Ousher Zelig ben Myer HaLevi Z”L
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Sarede Rachel Switzer