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Daily Chumash Summaries
Ki Teitzei, 6th Aliya

Ki Teitzei, 6th Aliya

First Year of Marriage. Collateral. Kidnappers. Tzara'as.

Audio Summaries of the daily Chumash portions In loving memory of Ousher Zelig ben Myer HaLevi Z”L

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First Year of Marriage. Collateral. Kidnappers. Tzara'as.

First Year of Marriage

Throughout the first year of a couple's marriage*, the husband is not to go out to the army, nor have anything to do with it. The army is to make no demands of him. For example, he may not supply them with water and food nor repair the roads for the army. Rather he is to stay home and spend the time making his wife happy.
*Side note: This applies to any marriage other than a man re-marrying his ex-wife.

This differs from a man who returned from battle by the order of a Kohen because they 1)either built a house but did not yet dedicate it, 2)planted a vineyard and it is in the fruits' fourth year and he just began to redeem them and eat their value in Jerusalem, or 3) got engaged to a woman (eirusin) but did not yet marry her (nisuin), both of whom are obligated to supply water and food and/or repair the roads for the army.

Post Lending Collateral

If a creditor comes to court and demands collateral for a debt for which no security was previously required, he is not allowed to take collateral from things that are used in food preparation.


If a man is warned not to kidnap yet does so anyways and was witnessed so doing, if the kidnapper treated his captive as a slave, he is to be killed.


Moshe cautions the Israelites to be scrupulous in their observance of the laws regarding tzara'as as were instructed to them by the Levites including properly diagnosing those possibly afflicted as to whether they should quarantine or be declared clean. I.e - they are not to remove any signs of it by for example peeling off the skin, nor are they to cut off a "baheret" (i.e a type of tzara'as that is literally translated to mean a "bright spot").

To avoid being stricken with tzara'as, they are to remember what G-d did to Miriam and avoid speaking Lashon Hara.


Moshe teaches them that anytime one lends anything to another, they are not to enter into the home of the one they lent to take their collateral. Rather they are to stay outside and the borrower is to bring the collateral to them.

If the borrower is poor, and the collateral he gave to the lender is an article of clothing worn at night, the lender is not to have this collateral with him while he sleeps, but rather he is to return it to the borrower by sunset so that the borrower can sleep in it. If it is an article of clothing worn during the day, the lender is to return it to the borrower for him to have during the day and then take it back at night.

The borrower will then bless the lender, and even if he doesn't, it will count for him as merit before G-d.

The borrower will then bless the lender and it will be counted as merit before G-d.

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Daily Chumash Summaries
Audio Summaries of the daily Chumash portions In loving memory of Ousher Zelig ben Myer HaLevi Z”L
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Sarede Rachel Switzer