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Daily Chumash Summaries
Ki Teitzei, 4th Aliya

Ki Teitzei, 4th Aliya

Marriage Restrictions.Temple Grounds Sanctity. Jewish Slaves. Prostitution. Charging Interest

Audio Summaries of the daily Chumash portions In loving memory of Ousher Zelig ben Myer HaLevi Z”L

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Marriage Restrictions.Temple Grounds Sanctity. Jewish Slaves. Prostitution. Charging Interest

Marriage Restrictions.

Israelites are allowed to marry anyone who converts to Judaism from any nation with the exception of the Edomite or Egyptians whom Israelites are not allowed to marry for the first 2 generations.

Nonetheless, Moshe instructs the Israelites that they are not to completely hate the Edomites, nor the Egyptians (illustrated in the fact that they are eventually allowed to marry them after 2 generations) in spite of the fact that the Edomites attacked the Israelites (see Bamidbar 20:18-21) and the Egyptians decreed that Israelite baby boys must be cast into the Nile.

The reason they should not fully hate the Egyptians is because after all, the Egyptians did host them in their country.

The fact that the Israelites are eventually allowed to marry Edomites and Egyptians (after 2 generations) is proof that causing someone to sin is worse than killing them, as a person who causing one to sin causes them to lose both this world and the next, whereas one who kills someone only causes them to lose this world. This is why both Edomites and Egyptians were not to be completely despised, since they only tried to kill the Israelites, not cause them to sin.

Moshe now warns them that if they go out to attack enemies, the Israelites should be careful, since the Satan makes accusations when it is a dangerous time, so its good to be extra cautious during such times.

Temple Grounds Sanctity

If a man experiences a seminal emission (which usually but not always occurs at night) he is to go outside of the camp and is forbidden to enter the camp of the Levites (which encompassed the camp of the Shechina as well) until close to sunset when he is to immerse in a Mikva after which he shall be allowed to enter the camp.

They should set up a space outside of the camp to be used as a bathroom. This area should be outside the cloud which surrounded the camp next to their other weapons and equipment. This is because it is not proper for one to go to the bathroom within G-d's view within the Temple.

Jewish Slaves

If there is a Jewish slave who has been sold to a non-Jew (or alternatively a Canaanite slave of an Israelites who fled Israel) who takes refuge with you, he is allowed to live with you and not be persecuted and he may live wherever he wants within the Israelite cities.


Israelites prostitution, both female and male is forbidden. And any union according to Onkelos between an Israelite (whether male or female) and a slave or maidservant is not legally binding.

The fee of a prostitute, even if converted to another form (i.e if a person wanted to pay the prostitute with a lamb and then this lamb was exchanged for a dog) may not be used towards a sacrifice to G-d.

Charging Interest

It is forbidden to pay or charge to a fellow Israelite interest on money, food or any other item which usually has interest applied to it.

One is allowed however to charge interest to a non Jew.

If a person makes a vow to G-d regarding the 3 festivals, they must not delay in paying it so as to not be liable for a sin. If a person doesn't make a vow then they will not be liable for sinning.

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Daily Chumash Summaries
Audio Summaries of the daily Chumash portions In loving memory of Ousher Zelig ben Myer HaLevi Z”L
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Sarede Rachel Switzer