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Daily Chumash Summaries
Ki Tavo, 2nd Aliya

Ki Tavo, 2nd Aliya

The Year of the Tithes

Audio Summaries of the daily Chumash portions In loving memory of Ousher Zelig ben Myer HaLevi Z”L

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The Year of the Tithes

The eve of Passover during the fourth year of the seven year Sabbatical (Shemitta) cycle is the time to remove all tithes that one has finished tithing in the third year from the house accompanied by a confession regarding properly disposing of them.

During the first and second years of the Shemitta cycle, two different types of tithes are separated: 1)Ma'aser Rishon (i.e the "first tithe") and 2)Ma'aser Sheni (i.e. the "second tithe"). During the third year however only the "first tithe" is separated and in lieu of the "second tithe", one must give a "tithe to the poor" (to be given to the stranger, the orphan and the widow).

Due to this difference between the third year and the first two, the third year is called the "year of the tithe".

The "tithe of the poor" given during the third year to the stranger, orphan and widow should be enough to satisfy them. The sages gave a minimum measurement for this of being no less than 1/2 of a kav* of wheat or 1 kav of barley.
*Side note 1 kav=the volume of 24 eggs

After giving the necessary tithes, one is to declare that they have done so, stating each tithe they have given and that they gave them in the correct order. One is also to declare that he tithed in accordance with the way it has been commanded, and separated tithes from the correct species and from the old crop (and not the new crop). One is also to declare that they did not forget to bless G-d in fulfilling this mitzvah.

Scripture here also alludes to the idea that if one did not bring up the second tithes to Jerusalem during the first two years, he must bring it up during the third year.

The tither is also to declare that they did not eat any of their second tithes while in mourning*, while unclean, or while the tithe was unclean. Nor did they use the value of the tithe to make a coffin or shrouds for their close relative who passed away.
*Side note: This is how the sages learned out that one is not allowed to eat the second tithe on the day of the passing of a close relative.

The second tithe was not brought to the Temple but rather eaten in Jerusalem. If however one redeemed this tithe, then the redemption money was to be brought to Jerusalem and buy food to be eaten in Jerusalem. All kinds of foods were allowed to be purchased however it was customary to purchase animals and sacrifice them as peace offering so that the tithe in a sense would be brought to the Temple.

The tither is to declare that they have rejoiced and caused others to be joyous in their tithing.

The tither then concludes with a plea to G-d to look down from His "holy dwelling from the heavens" and bless the Israelites and their Land as they have fulfilled what He commanded of them so now it is His turn to keep up his end of the deal (see Vayikra 26:3-4), which includes giving them the Land of Israel which He had promised to their forefathers.

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Daily Chumash Summaries
Audio Summaries of the daily Chumash portions In loving memory of Ousher Zelig ben Myer HaLevi Z”L
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Sarede Rachel Switzer