Sarede’s Substack
Daily Chumash Summaries
Eikev, 5th Aliya

Eikev, 5th Aliya

Moshe Beseeches the Nation

Audio Summaries of the daily Chumash portions In loving memory of Ousher Zelig ben Myer HaLevi Z”L

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Moshe Beseeches the Nation

Moshe beseeches the nation, saying that even after all of the things they did to anger G-d He still feels mercy and affection for them and asks only* that they fear Him, walk in His ways, love Him, and worship Him with all their heart and soul.

*Side note: Rashi notes that it is from here that the sages derived the idea that everything is in the hands of Heaven except for fear of Heaven.

Moshe continues saying that G-d asks them to keep His commandments and statues, which is in their best interests to do, as by doing so they will be rewarded.

Moshe declares that everything in the universe belongs to G-d and yet out of this entire universe, He only desires the nation of Israel.

Moshe says that they must circumcise their hearts from the foreskin (i.e. blockage) which is covering it to make them stubborn.

Moshe describes G-d's power, saying that G-d is their G-d. No other god can release the Israelites from Him and if they cast off His yoke, He will no longer show favor to them. He is not able to be appeased with money.

Moshe now describes G-d's humility, saying that He displays compassion towards orphan, widow and convert, giving him bread and clothing (teaching the importance of such acts of hospitality).

Moshe warns the Israelites to love converts as they themselves were foreigners in Egypt. Rashi teaches a broader lesson with this that we must not judge someone for a defect we have.

They must fear, worship and cleave to G-d. Once they do so, they may swear by His Name.

Moshe recalls how they had descended to Egypt as 70 people and now G-d had made them much more abundant and performed awesome things which they witnessed, which is why they should love G-d and keep his commandments forever.

Moshe emphasizes that he is not speaking to future generations who did not witness these great acts of G-d in Egypt and in the desert but rather to them who did see it. Moshe recalls a few specific incidents, including the time when Korach and his followers got swallowed up by the earth with no escape -the earth opened up in a certain place and then sloped downwards, so that whenever one tried to flee, they would roll down to the area where the earth was split open and fall in.

Once again, Moshe pleads with the nation to keep G-d's commandments so that they will be strong and conquer the Land of Israel and live there for a long time.

Sarede’s Substack
Daily Chumash Summaries
Audio Summaries of the daily Chumash portions In loving memory of Ousher Zelig ben Myer HaLevi Z”L